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Our Services

ADHD. Abbreviation ADHD on notebook sheet with some colorful crumpled paper balls on it. C

These days it seems many of us struggle with being able to focus on important interactions and complete tasks efficiently. Multi-tasking, deadlines, school projects, house work, you name it, we’ve dropped the ball at some point and felt overwhelmed and unsure how to fix it.

Attention is a complex thing to fix because there are so many reasons why our brains can have trouble organizing our thoughts, and medication and post it notes don’t always cut it.

Neurofeedback is one of the top proven interventions to help improve concentration and memory and processing speed in both children and adults. One of the key characteristics of focus is being able to selectively attend to one task or subject while ignoring everything else, and this can only be accomplished when your brain has learned the skill of engaging when there is a need, and then disengaging when the task is complete.

The ADD or ADHD brain has trouble knowing when it’s time to engage and when it’s okay to daydream, and it has trouble selecting what to pay attention to. This means it can be easily distractible, forget things it just saw or heard, think about other things instead of the important task immediately in front of it, and impulsively do or say things that aren’t contextually appropriate.

Neurofeedback can help your brain learn effective engagement skills, as well help support your ability to prioritize what to pay attention to so that you can remember important information and be less easily distracted.

Medicine Brain checking. Doctors consider and discuss magnetic resonance image (MRI) of th
Brain Injury

When we experience a head trauma, our brain often attempts to protect sites of impact by slowing down the activity in local regions so that healing can take place. Initially this a good thing, but over time, not everyone’s brain speeds those areas back up and re-integrates then back in with the surrounding areas.

Because your brain does more complex processing and behaviors by networking different regions together, when recovering parts of your brain remain a little slower, then it impacts all of the more complex functions that rely on the local regions to coordinate with other neighboring areas.

Neural networks often suffer the most from closed head injuries, and this is where the innovative type of Neurofeedback used at Myndpro really shines. The software has programs that specifically support the repair of connections between brain areas, and can be an invaluable intervention for helping to rebuild neural infrastructure and regain functionality.

Image by Fernando @cferdophotography
Anxiety & Insomnia

The ability to relax and be present in a moment or enjoy an experience is often stolen from us by chronic stress and worry. It’s reasonable to be concerned about things sometimes, but to never feel a sense of calm or contentment is exhausting and directly affects one's' quality of life.

When our environment is constantly stressful, our central nervous system begins to develop a habit of chronic overarousal, and our brains form behavioral routines that make it harder for our minds and bodies to relax. Patterns associated with hypervigilance and ruminating thoughts can be seen in the EEG, and that means Neurofeedback is an excellent modality for helping the brain learn how to shift more easily into a relaxed state. One of the primary reasons people have difficulty with sleep is their brains will not slow down enough to allow the crossover into restful sleepy rhythms.

Neurofeedback can monitor your brain waves in real time and when you begin to make more of the rhythms associated with relaxation and sleep, provide sensory feedback so that your brain learns how to spend more time in a content, peaceful state without being disturbed by general anxiety or intrusive thoughts.

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